MilkChoco is a multiplayer shooting game that challenges two teams, of up to five players, to face each other inside amazing open settings. The players can pick one of the two opposing sides: milk or chocolate. You’ll find several professions in each of the two teams: attacker, doctor, bomber, sniper, etc...
The gameplay is super intuitive: with the left side of the controller you can move your character around and you can aim with the right side. Your character shoots automatically as long as there’s an enemy at the point of sight, so your job is to aim correctly...and to throw one or two grenades.
The games usually go pretty fast and last a short period of time, so, if you don't start destroying your enemies from the get-go, you might end up missing your chance to do anything at all. Also, keep in mind that some settings are huge and labyrinth-like.
MilkChoco is an incredibly fun multiplayer game with a theme that's perfectly suited for all kinds of players. As an added bonus, the visuals are great.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
How to get free diamonds on MilkChoco?
Getting free diamonds in MilkChoco is only possible by overcoming challenges. As you win games, you will obtain rewards that will allow you to unlock new elements for your arsenal.
What is the file size of MilkChoco APK?
The file size of MilkChoco APK is 94 MB. This means that you can enjoy this shooter on your smartphone, even if you don't have much free storage space on your device.
Is MilkChoco available for PC?
If you want MilkChoco available for PC, you can download the APK of the game and then install it on an Android emulator for Windows. This way you will also enjoy intense battles on your computer.
Where can I download the MilkChoco APK for Android?
You can download the MilkChoco APK for Android from Uptodown. Here you can download the latest update of the game and all its previous versions so that you always have maximum compatibility.
Yes, but please update it again.
The game is good, the current phone I have is a Huawei and for some reason it tells me that I can't connect to the servers, does anyone know how to solve it?
Hyper good
Please update the new version.